Quality Benchmarks for Products and Services

Trading in chemical and petroleum products requires high quality standards for products and services, as well as for long-term and continuous business relationships with our customers.

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SAP (ECC 6.0)

Transparent, standardised business processes using SAP (ECC 6.0) and continuous staff training are the foundation of our management system.

Immediate availability of process data, continuous batch traceability and high, consistent quality of our products are the result of our constant focus on high-quality processes.

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Quality Management (DIN EN ISO 9001)

In order to present our commitment towards certification to our customers in a comprehensible and transparent way, our quality management system is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. JULIUS HOESCH has been certified in accordance to ISO 9001 since 1995 and in July 2018 completed the changeover to the new DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 standard. It helps us to continuously improve our processes and to consistently minimise faults. Quality is self-evident for us and therefore the foundation for our long-term and continuous partnerships.

Transparent, standardised business processes using SAP and continuous employee training are the foundation of our management system. Immediate availability of process data, continuous batch traceability and high, consistent quality of our products are the result of our constant focus on high-quality processes.

Certificate ISO 9001: 2015

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TISAX Label (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange)

Julius Hoesch GmbH & Co. KG and ACI Automotive Chemie Innovationen GmbH have been awarded with the TISAX* label with the protection target “Availability high” for 3 years until 05/2027.

The ENX Association supports with TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) on behalf of VDA (Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V.) the common acceptance of Information Security Assessments in the automotive industry. The TISAX Assessments are conducted by accredited audit providers that demonstrate their qualification at regular intervals. TISAX and TISAX results are not intended for general public.


For Julius Hoesch GmbH & Co. KG and ACI Automotive Chemie Innovationen GmbH, the confidentiality, availability and integrity of information have great value. We have taken extensive measures on the protection of [sensitive and/or confidential] information. Therefore, we follow the catalogue of questions of information security of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA ISA). The Assessment was conducted by an audit provider, in this case the TISAX audit provider TÜV Süd.

The result is exclusively retrievable over the ENX Portal. You can access it if you are a registered TISAX participant yourself or upon request to ENX and registration in the TISAX portal.

*TISAX is a registered trademark and is subject to the ENX Association

Responsible Care

Since 2002, we have been a participating in the Responsible Care program (Responsible Care in the Chemical Trade) of the German Chemical Trade Association as the worldwide Responsible Care Initiative. The Responsible Care (RC) initiative is a trade-focused programme that promotes continuous improvement in corporate health, safety and environment. Being part of the programme is part of our contribution to sustainability.


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RC-annual report

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SQAS ESAD Assessment

ESAD II (European Single Assessment Document) is a standardized questionnaire which, like the Responsible Care Program, covers requirements from the areas of safety, health, environmental protection and quality management. The assessment partly overlaps with DIN EN ISO 9001 or the Responsible Care Program. Together, this results in a comprehensive management system.


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WHG Certificate

We are a certified specialist company in accordance with the Water Resources Act. This enables us to carry out certain work on systems for handling liquids hazardous to water.

WHG Certificate

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In the course of sustainability, we have succeeded in reaching another milestone.

Having already been a member of the RSPO since 2018, we hold the Distributor License Member - Julius Hoesch GmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft - Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), we have reached a new level with the successful certification.

The Distributor License only allowed us to "simply" trade with RSPO-certified original goods.

With the certification, we now have the possibility to fill and re-fill goods, to process RSPO-certified goods in production and to implement a Hoesch RSPO portfolio

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